11 months {jacob}

Age: 11 months on October 18, 2015

Weight: Still need to weigh him       Height: Still need to measure him!


Sleeps: We have settled into a much better sleep pattern this month.  On a good night, Jacob goes to sleep between 6:30 and 7:00pm and wakes up between 6:30 and 7:00am with only one wake up in the middle of the night.  More nights than not, I am still up with Jacob twice a night, however, but he nurses and goes right back to sleep with no problem.  I can’t complain!

Naps: Jacob continues to be a fantastic napper at home: two, two hour plus naps a day.  At his school, they are lucky to get a forty minute nap out of him.  Little stinker.




Eats: Jacob nurses about four times a day and eats breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  Jacob still eats just about everything!  He loves bananas, pears, peaches, oranges, sweet potato, quesadilla, noodles, turkey meatballs…

Diapers: Size 5

Clothes: 18-24 month clothes

Loves: crawling, pulling himself to standing and trying to climb up on everything, clucking his tongue, playing with Andrew’s toys {puzzles, blocks, cars, books}, feeding himself, “dancing” to music, “talking,” his siblings, cuddling, crawling around outside, and his pacifier.

Does NOT like: being tired or too hungry

New this month: Jacob says “mama” and “dada” when he sees us, makes kissy faces and noises

Best moment{s}: lots of cuddles with Jacob and his overall super happy mood recently.  We had a fun first trip to the pumpkin patch and a great time at the St. Edmund’s Fall Festival.  Jacob just hangs out in the Moby and is so completely happy!

Most difficult moment{s}: I think Jacob must be having a reaction to something at his school because they keep telling me he has really lose stools.  It’s a mystery, because he is completely normal at home.  I am frustraed and just can’t quite figure this out!

Looking forward to: Jacob’s first Halloween {his last “first” holiday} and planning his first birthday!


And just for fun, here is Andrew’s 11 month update.


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