17 weeks

17 weeksa
17 weeks
How far along: 17 weeks on Sunday, June 22, 2014
Countdown: 23 weeks to go
Gender: ???
Baby’s size: Baby weighs about as much as a turnip {5 inches & 5 ounces}
Weight gain: 11 lbs. {sounds like a lot to me, but my total body weight is still down 10 pounds from this point in Andrew’s pregnancy and about 15 from Caitlyn’s!}
Maternity clothes: Yes.
Belly button {in or out}: In
Sleep: Good.  “Sleeping in” is fabulous {yes, I consider 6:15-6:30 am to be sleeping in!}
Best moment(s) this week: Hearing baby’s heartbeat for the first time {what a sweet, sweet sound!}, waiting for the camp van each morning with the girls, relaxing with Andrew, taking the girls to their ballet and hip hop dance classes, a small shopping trip at our local and new Home Goods store, a trip to the natural history museum, baking s’more bars, and the Beach Boys concert and picnic at the local arboretum.  I guess this was a busy week!
Miss anything: Not really
Movement: None.  I was hoping to feel some by now, but this little one is good at hiding!  I can feel where my uterus is, but no baby kicks yet.
Cravings: Chewy candy, especially if it’s sour.
Symptoms: Not really.  I am doing well overall.
Queasy or sick: No, not at all.
Looking forward to: Feeling this little stinker move around and {totally unrelated to this pregnancy} getting a haircut!  I need something new 🙂

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